Installation on Ubuntu

Liam Sharp

Posted 22 October, 2018 by in

Installation on Ubuntu

These instructions are for installing on Ubuntu 18.04.1.

Download the latest version of the SEO Spider. The downloaded file will be called something like screamingfrogseospider_16.7_all.deb, and will most likely be in the Downloads folder in your home directory.


You can install the SEO Spider in one of two ways.


– Double click on the .deb file.
– Choose “Install” and enter your password.
– The SEO Spider requires the ttf-mscorefonts-install to be run, so accept the licence for this when it pops up.
– Wait for the installation to complete.

Command Line

Open up a terminal and enter the following command.

sudo apt-get install ~/Downloads/screamingfrogseospider_15.2_all.deb

You will need enter your password, then enter Y when asked if you want to continue and accept the ttf-mscorefonts-install installations EULA.


  • E: Unable to locate package screamingfrogseospider_15.2_all.deb Please make sure you are entering an absolute path to the .deb to install as per the example.
  • Failed to fetch 404 Not Found [IP: 80] Please run the following and try again.sudo apt-get update

Running the SEO Spider

Irrespective of how the SEO Spider was installed you can run it one of two ways.


Click the Apps icon in the bottom left hand corner, type “seo spider” and click on the applications icon when it appears.

Command Line

Enter the following command in a terminal:


For more command line options see our User Guide.

Liam has been developing software for over 18 years and is still as passionate today as when he wrote his first program. When not coding, Liam can be spotted over at ‘The Lookout’ mountain bike racing, following football and boxing, or relaxing with his family.

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