Lighthouse Details
Richard Lawther
Posted 21 April, 2020 by Richard Lawther in
Lighthouse Details
When integrated, you can view the page speed and mobile usability details of any highlighted URL. This will require a crawl to be connected to the PageSpeed Insights API.
To pull these metrics, simply to go ‘Configuration > API Access > PageSpeed Insights’, insert a free PageSpeed API key or choose to run Lighthouse locally, and then connect and run a crawl.

With data available, selecting a URL in the top window will provide more details in the lower window tab.
The left-hand window provides specific information on both the metrics extracted and available opportunities specific to the highlighted URL. Clicking an opportunity will display more information in the right-hand window. This consists of the following columns:
- The Source Page – The URL chosen in the top window.
- URL – The linked resource which has opportunities available.
- Size (Bytes) – The current size of the listed resource.
- Potential Savings – The potential size savings by implementing highlighted opportunity.
Please see our PageSpeed Insights integration guide for full detail of available speed metrics and opportunities.