Search function

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Search function

The search box in the top right of the interface allows you to search all visible columns. It defaults to regular text search of the ‘Address’ column, but allows you to switch to regex, choose from a variety of predefined filters (including a ‘does not match regex’), combine rules (and/or) and select the columns.

Advanced Search & Filters

After typing the search, hit enter and only rows containing matching cells will be displayed.

If you would like to make this search case insensitive, you can click the arrow to the right of the search query box and enable ‘Case Sensitive’:

Advanced Search & Filtering Case Sensitivity

The search bar displays the syntax used by the search and filter system, so this can be formulated by power users to build common searches and filters quickly, without having to click the buttons to run searches.

Advanced Search Query Syntax

The syntax can just be pasted or written directly into the search box to run searches.

To search for duplicate or repeating words, you can use case sensitive capture groups:


An additional search box with the same features and functionality can be found in the majority of lower window tabs that include tabled data.

There is also search function in the ‘View Source’ tab that searches any stored HTML.

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