
Table of Contents


Configuration Options

Spider Crawl Tab

Spider Extraction Tab

Spider Limits Tab

Spider Rendering Tab

Spider Advanced Tab

Spider Preferences Tab

Other Configuration Options



Configuration > Speed

The speed configuration allows you to control the speed of the SEO Spider, either by number of concurrent threads, or by URLs requested per second.

When reducing speed, it’s always easier to control by the ‘Max URI/s’ option, which is the maximum number of URL requests per second. For example, the screenshot below would mean crawling at 1 URL per second –

SEO Spider Configuration

The ‘Max Threads’ option can simply be left alone when you throttle speed via URLs per second.

Increasing the number of threads allows you to significantly increase the speed of the SEO Spider. By default the SEO Spider crawls at 5 threads, to not overload servers.

Please use the threads configuration responsibly, as setting the number of threads high to increase the speed of the crawl will increase the number of HTTP requests made to the server and can impact a site’s response times. In very extreme cases, you could overload a server and crash it.

We recommend approving a crawl rate and time with the webmaster first, monitoring response times and adjusting the default speed if there are any issues.

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