Screaming Blog
SEO & search marketing news and chatter from Screaming Frog.
20 March, 2014 by Dan Sharp
Screaming Frog SEO Spider Update – Version 2.30
I am really pleased to announce version 2.30 of the Screaming Frog SEO spider code-named ‘Weckl’. This update includes new features that provide greater control of crawls, as well as how the data is analysed. Thanks again to everyone for...
17 March, 2014 by Dan Sharp
Negative SEO - Should You Monitor Your Backlinks?
Historically links were often either counted or ignored by Google in their scoring. However, as their algorithms evolved over the past 5 years and more recently with the introduction of Penguin in April 2012 and increase in manual actions, links...
20 February, 2014 by Matt Hopson
Google Shopping Campaigns: PLAs - The Next Generation
When Google first openly discussed that they would be moving their Google shopping section (AKA Froogle if you remember back that far) under the AdWords umbrella there were concerns. I think though, most will agree that Product Listing Ads (PLAs)...
11 February, 2014 by Patrick Langridge
What Should You Do If You Receive a Google Brand Penalty?
Google have been handing out penalties and manual actions to websites for some time now, but lately we’ve seen an increasing number of cases of brands being nailed and getting wiped from the SERPs for even branded search terms. There...
28 October, 2013 by Matt Hopson
Halloween is coming to Henley
Historians believe that Halloween has strong ties to Samhain, an ancient Gaelic harvest celebration, and to early pagan festivals. Feasts were held to appease the souls of the dead, and bonfires were lit to ward off evil spirits. Today’s version...
15 July, 2013 by Dan Sharp
Screaming Frog SEO Spider Update – Version 2.20
I am delighted to announce version 2.20 of the Screaming Frog SEO spider. We have been busy behind the scenes developing some very cool new features which we hope everyone will enjoy! As always, thank you to everyone for their...
8 July, 2013 by Matt Hopson
15 Kick-Ass Keyword Tools That Will Turn You Into a PPC Super-Hero
With all the fuss about AdWords sunsetting their external keyword tool my thoughts turned to which other tools I use to find and expand my keyword lists. Now, I’m not saying some of the ideas below are earth-shattering and I...
3 July, 2013 by Jess Crandon
The Frogs Take to the River: The Henley Royal Regatta
Once a year we witness the quintessential British summertime scene unfold before our eyes: the Henley Royal Regatta. Hundreds of rowers from around the world, and thousands of spectators, descend on our sleepy town, for one of the most prestigious...
5 February, 2013 by Dan Sharp
Google Panda - How Many Actually Recover?
The original Google Panda algorithm was introduced on the 23rd of February 2011 on to reduce the visibility of ‘low quality’ sites with content identified to be a poor user experience, thin and often partially duplicated in nature. The...
30 January, 2013 by Dan Sharp
Screaming Frog SEO Spider Update – Version 2.10
Just a quick post to let you all know we have released an update of the Screaming Frog SEO spider to version 2.10. The updated version of the SEO spider has plenty of new features, which include – Save Configuration...