Crawl analysis
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Crawl analysis
Configuration > Crawl Analysis
The SEO Spider usually analyses and reports data at run-time, where metrics, tabs and filters are populated during a crawl. However, ‘Link Score’ and a relatively small number of filters require calculation at the end of a crawl (or when a crawl has been stopped).
The full list of items that require ‘crawl analysis’ can be viewed below, and seen under ‘Config > Crawl Analysis’.
All of the above are filters under their respective tabs, apart from ‘Link Score’, which is a metric and shown as a column in the ‘Internal’ tab.
In the right hand ‘overview’ window pane, filters which require post ‘crawl analysis’ are marked with ‘Crawl Analysis Required’ for further clarity. The ‘Sitemaps’ filters in particular, mostly require post-crawl analysis.
They are also marked as ‘You need to perform crawl analysis for this tab to populate this filter’ within the main window pane.
This analysis can be automatically performed at the end of a crawl by ticking the respective ‘Auto Analyse At End of Crawl’ tickbox under ‘Configure’, or it can be run manually by the user.
To run the crawl analysis, simply click ‘Crawl Analysis > Start’ in the top level menu.
When the crawl analysis is running you’ll see the ‘analysis’ progress bar with a percentage complete. The SEO Spider can continue to be used as normal during this period.
When the crawl analysis has finished, the empty filters which are marked with ‘Crawl Analysis Required’, will be populated with lots of lovely insightful data.
Please note – The Analytics and Search Console orphan URLs filters will only be populated if you have connected to their respective APIs and chosen to ‘Crawl New URLs Discovered in Google Analytics/Google Search Console’ under their ‘general’ tabs. Otherwise, orphan URLs will only be viewable under ‘Reports > Orphan Pages’.
For more information, watch our video guide on crawl analysis.