
Dan Sharp

Posted 23 October, 2017 by in


The security tab shows data related to security for internal URLs in a crawl.


This tab includes the following columns.

  • Address – The URL crawled.
  • Content – The content type of the URL.
  • Status Code – HTTP response code.
  • Status – The HTTP header response.
  • Indexability – Whether the URL is indexable or Non-Indexable.
  • Indexability Status – The reason why a URL is Non-Indexable. For example, if it’s canonicalised to another URL.
  • Canonical Link Element 1/2 etc – Canonical link element data on the URL. The Spider will find all instances if there are multiple.
  • Meta Robots 1/2 etc – Meta robots found on the URL. The Spider will find all instances if there are multiple.
  • X-Robots-Tag 1/2 etc – X-Robots-tag data. The Spider will find all instances if there are multiple.


This tab includes the following filters.

  • HTTP URLs – This filter will show insecure (HTTP) URLs. All websites should be secure over HTTPS today on the web. Not only is it important for security, but it’s now expected by users. Chrome and other browsers display a ‘Not Secure’ message against any URLs that are HTTP, or have mixed content issues (where they load insecure resources on them).
  • HTTPS URLs – The secure version of HTTP. All internal URLs should be over HTTPS and therefore should appear under this filter.
  • Mixed Content – This shows any HTML pages loaded over a secure HTTPS connection that have resources such as images, JavaScript or CSS that are loaded via an insecure HTTP connection. Mixed content weakens HTTPS, and makes the pages easier for eavesdropping and compromising otherwise secure pages. Browsers might automatically block the HTTP resources from loading, or they may attempt to upgrade them to HTTPS. All HTTP resources should be changed to HTTPS to avoid security issues, and problems loading in a browser.
  • Form URL Insecure – An HTML page has a form on it with an action attribute URL that is insecure (HTTP). This means that any data entered into the form is not secure, as it could be viewed in transit. All URLs contained within forms across a website should be encrypted and therefore need to be HTTPS.
  • Form on HTTP URL – This means a form is on an HTTP page. Any data entered into the form, including usernames and passwords is not secure. Chrome can display a ‘Not Secure’ message if it discovers a form with a password input field on an HTTP page.
  • Unsafe Cross-Origin Links – URLs that link to external websites using the target=”_blank” attribute (to open in a new tab), without using rel=”noopener” (or rel=”noreferrer”) at the same time. Using target=”_blank” alone leaves those pages exposed to both security and performance issues for some legacy browsers, which are estimated to be below 5% of market share. Setting target=”_blank” on anchor elements implicitly provides the same rel behavior as setting rel=”noopener” which does not set window.opener for most modern browsers, such as Chrome, Safari, Firefox and Edge.
  • Protocol-Relative Resource Links – This filter will show any pages that load resources such as images, JavaScript and CSS using protocol-relative links. A protocol-relative link is simply a link to a URL without specifying the scheme (for example, // It helps save developers time from having to specify the protocol and lets the browser determine it based upon the current connection to the resource. However, this technique is now an anti-pattern with HTTPS everywhere, and can expose some sites to ‘man in the middle’ compromises and performance issues.
  • Missing HSTS Header – Any URLs that are missing the HSTS response header. The HTTP Strict-Transport-Security response header (HSTS) instructs browsers that it should only be accessed using HTTPS, rather than HTTP. If a website accepts a connection to HTTP, before being redirected to HTTPS, visitors will initially still communicate over HTTP. The HSTS header instructs the browser to never load over HTTP and to automatically convert all requests to HTTPS.
  • Missing Content-Security-Policy Header – Any URLs that are missing the Content-Security-Policy response header. This header allows a website to control which resources are loaded for a page. This policy can help guard against cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks that exploit the browser’s trust of the content received from the server. The SEO Spider only checks for existence of the header, and does not interrogate the policies found within the header to determine whether they are well set-up for the website. This should be performed manually.
  • Missing X-Content-Type-Options Header – Any URLs that are missing the ‘X-Content-Type-Options’ response header with a ‘nosniff’ value. In the absence of a MIME type, browsers may ‘sniff’ to guess the content type to interpret it correctly for users. However, this can be exploited by attackers who can try and load malicious code, such as JavaScript via an image they have compromised. To minimise these security issues, the X-Content-Type-Options response header should be supplied and set to ‘nosniff’. This instructs browsers to rely only on the Content-Type header and block anything that does not match accurately.
  • Missing X-Frame-Options Header – Any URLs that are missing a X-Frame-Options response header with a ‘DENY’ or ‘SAMEORIGIN’ value. This instructs the browser not to render a page within a frame, iframe, embed or object. This helps avoid ‘click-jacking’ attacks, where your content is displayed on another web page that is controlled by an attacker.
  • Missing Secure Referrer-Policy Header – Any URLs that are missing ‘no-referrer-when-downgrade’, ‘strict-origin-when-cross-origin’, ‘no-referrer’ or ‘strict-origin’ policies in the Referrer-Policy header. When using HTTPS, it’s important that the URLs do not leak in non-HTTPS requests. This can expose users to ‘man in the middle’ attacks, as anyone on the network can view them.
  • Bad Content Type – This shows any URLs where the actual content type does not match the content type set in the header. It also identifies any invalid MIME types used. When the X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff response header is set by the server this is particularly important, as browsers rely on the content type header to correctly process the page. This can cause HTML web pages to be downloaded instead of being rendered when they are served with a MIME type other than text/html for example. Thus, all responses should have an accurate MIME type set in the content-type header.

To discover any HTTPS pages with insecure elements such as HTTP links, canonicals, pagination as well as mixed content (images, JS, CSS), we recommend using the ‘Insecure Content‘ report under the ‘Reports’ top level menu.

Dan Sharp is founder & Director of Screaming Frog. He has developed search strategies for a variety of clients from international brands to small and medium-sized businesses and designed and managed the build of the innovative SEO Spider software.

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