Table of Contents
You can segment a crawl to better identify and monitor issues and opportunities from different templates, page types, or areas of priority.
The segments configuration and right-hand tab is only available if you’re using database storage mode. If you’re not already using database storage mode, we highly recommend it.
This can be adjusted via ‘File > Settings > Storage Mode’ and has a number of benefits.
The segments tab updates in real-time to provide an aggregated view of segmented data and URLs. The tab will be blank, if segments have not been set-up. Segments can be set up by clicking the cog icon, or via ‘Config > Segments’.
The data shown for segments includes the following:
- Segment – The segment name. The order of this follows the order selected in the segments configuration unless sorted.
- URLs – The number of URLs within the segment.
- % Segmented – The proportion of URLs segmented from the total number of URLs.
- Indexable – The number of Indexable URLs in the segment.
- Non-Indexable – The number of Non-Indexable URLs in the segment.
- Issues – An error or issue that should ideally be fixed.
- Warnings – Not necessarily an issue, but should be checked – and potentially fixed.
- Opportunities – Potential areas for optimisation and improvement.
- High – Priority based upon potential impact and may require more attention.
- Medium – Priority based upon potential impact and may require some attention.
- Low – Priority based upon potential impact and may require less attention.
The Segments tab ‘view’ filter can be adjusted to better analyse issues, indexability status, reponse codes and crawl depth by segment.