
Mark Porter

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Mark Porter

Mark is a self-confessed geek who has always had a love/hate relationship with blogging, coupled with an addiction to buying domain names. Outside of SEO, Mark loves Manchester United, gadgets and games. If anyone can beat him at FIFA he will happily buy them a drink.

Screaming Frog Beanie Giveaway

It’s been a fair chunk of time since we last did a giveaway on our blog, so now felt like the right time to climb up into the loft (or attic) of Screaming Frog HQ and see what we could...

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The brightonSEO Crawling Clinic October '24

The biannual brightonSEO events have been marked in our calendar for well over 12 years now, and next week’s is no exception. As always, you can find us in our usual spot (stand 34, right hand side of the exhibition...

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The brightonSEO Crawling Clinic April ’24

Somehow we’re already halfway through April, which means brightonSEO is just around the corner! Once again, we’ll be in our usual spot (stand 34, right hand side of the exhibition hall as you walk in), chatting about all things crawling....

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BrightonSEO San Diego '23

Some of the Screaming Frog team and myself recently returned from San Diego, where we exhibited at BrightonSEO’s debut US event. It was also our first time exhibiting on US soil, running our ‘crawling clinic’ where people can ask us...

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The brightonSEO Crawling Clinic September ’23

Back in April we had great fun exhibiting at the iconic brightonSEO, chatting about all things crawling and handing out our highly coveted merch. We’re pleased to say that we’ll be back again next week, and running our crawling clinic!...

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Screaming Frog T-Shirt Giveaway

Longtime users of the SEO Spider will know that over the years, we occasionally offer up the chance for you to get your hands on our highly coveted merch. We receive countless requests for SF swag (which our support team...

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Version 100 of Chrome, Firefox & Edge May Break Websites

Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Microsoft Edge are rapidly closing in on a big milestone: version 100. While this sounds like a cause for celebration, it could result in endless headaches for a small number of websites, due to the...

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Screaming Frog Scoops Three Trophies at the UK Search Awards

Unbelievably, it’s been 2 years since our last trip to the UK Search Awards, so you can imagine how excited the team were to be in attendance. The ceremony celebrates the very best achievements in the search industry and we...

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Screaming Frog Charity Auction

Update: This Auction Is Now Closed! Take a look at the totals here. Believe it or not, one the most common questions we get asked isn’t related to our services or the SEO spider, it’s related to our merch. Whether...

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The Do's and Don'ts of Chasing for a Link

It’s happened to all of us. You bag another piece of coverage for your client’s content piece on a top-tier publication, which you’re ecstatic about. However, after a quick scroll through your elation is suddenly offset by a small twang...

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