
PageSpeed: Serve Images in Next-Gen Formats

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Serve Images in Next-Gen Formats

Pages with images that are in older formats that could be compressed further to help reduce page speed.

How to Analyse in the SEO Spider

To populate this filter the PageSpeed Insights API must be connected via ‘Config > API Access > PSI’.

View URLs with this issue in the ‘PageSpeed’ tab and filter and use the lower ‘PageSpeed Details’ tab to click on the issue on the left-hand side, and see details of the images on the right-hand side.

Bulk export the pages and images via ‘Reports > PageSpeed > Serve Images in Next-Gen Formats’.

What Triggers This Issue

This issue is triggered when pages contain images in older formats that could be compressed further, thereby reducing page speed.

How To Fix

Consider encoding JPEG and PNG images into new formats such as WebP which allow for greater compression to enable them to load faster and consume less data.

Further Reading

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