
Meta Description: Over 985 Pixels

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Over 985 Pixels

Pages which have meta descriptions over Google’s estimated pixel length limit for snippets.

Google snippet length is actually based upon pixels limits, rather than a character length.

The SEO Spider tries to match the latest pixel truncation points in the SERPs, but it is an approximation and Google adjusts them frequently.

How to Analyse in the SEO Spider

View URLs with this issue in the ‘Meta Description’ tab and ‘Over 985 Pixels’ filter, and export all URLs using the ‘Export’ button.

What Triggers This Issue

This issue is triggered when a page has a meta description that exceeds Google’s estimated pixel length limit for snippets. For example:

<meta name="description" content="This is an example of an excessively long meta description that might be truncated in Google's search results, leading to incomplete information being displayed. You wouldn't want that to happen, would you?">

How To Fix

Write concise meta descriptions to ensure important words are not truncated in the search results and visible to users.

Further Reading

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