
JavaScript: Pages With JavaScript Errors

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Pages With JavaScript Errors

Pages with JavaScript errors captured in the Chrome DevTools console log during page rendering.

While JavaScript errors are common and often have little effect on page rendering, they can be problematic – both in search engine rendering, which can hinder indexing, and for the user when interacting with the page.

How to Analyse in the SEO Spider

Enable JavaScript rendering mode via ‘Config > Spider > Rendering’ and select ‘JavaScript’ to crawl JavaScript websites.

View URLs with this issue in the ‘JavaScript’ tab and ‘Pages With JavaScript Errors’ filter, and export all URLs using the ‘Export’ button.

View console error messages in the lower ‘Chrome Console Log’ tab, view how the page is rendered in the ‘Rendered Page’ tab, and export in bulk via ‘Bulk Export > JavaScript > Pages with JavaScript Issues’.

Read our tutorial on ‘How To Crawl JavaScript Websites‘.

What Triggers This Issue

This issue is triggered when pages have JavaScript errors that are captured in the Chrome DevTools console log during page rendering.

How To Fix

Review pages with JavaScript errors to verify whether they are impacting the rendering of content for search engines or the experience for users. Fix any JavaScript errors where appropriate.

Further Reading

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